miércoles, 4 de junio de 2008

cant type 7 entries a week!!! no puedo escribir 7 entradas por semana....

De momento le dedico poco tiempo a esto, y alguna vez leo cosillas por ahi en las que me encantaría meter baza, participar, pero de momento nada de nada, al menos hasta terminar exámenes.

Por otro lado el primer post parece más escrito por una persona achispada que por alguien cuerdo, de lo inteligible que queda es que he decidido empezar este blog por 2 razones principalmente:

1.- escribir en inglés con la esperanza de que alguna alma caritativa me permita perfeccionar mi inglés escrito, cosa harto difícil ya que somos muy dados a permitirnos licencias del idioma que cualquier nativo corregiria en seguida o pensaría que eres un indio americano más que una persona extranjera hablando un inglés correcto.

2.- lo que vulgarmente podría llamarse "filosofar", aunque, que me expliquen el significado que le da el pueblo. Sencillamente hablar sobre la vida, la muerte, dioses, diosas, el trabajo, familia, pensamientos que no puedes expresar a veces ni siquiera con amigos debido a que suelen "asustarse" o se muestran evitativos, o reacios a tocar determinados temas, quizá porque prefieren dejarse llevar por las 4 cosas que les aporta la vida y no necesitan escarbar más.... Bendita envidia que les tengo!!

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2008

Dont need no more needs

This intends to be a barbarian yell that nobody should be able to put an ear on.
This may sound a nonsense proof of life, but in fact, it isnt, since one cannot tell if someone is alive just by hearing him breathing or by just looking the waving movement of the breast produced by the beatings of the heart....
How can we tell then?
i suppose it depends on the personal point of view, but here is one reason: to set and mantain a dialogue with one's deep seas of the inside. This may finally lead you to think THERE IS someone down there that exists, and somehow tries to get further up and reach out the surface.
Maybe a bit puzzling for the first entry, even for me. Forcing myself to write in english may contribute to the fuzzy sense of all this, but i think it's a good exercise, even if i dont plan to get in touch with any people. For those curious rounders out there it will be a nice opportunity to point at my english mistakes. I will thank honestly those comments.

The title of this blog makes a reference to one of the 19 masterpieces a guy named R. Johnson did almost a century ago. As far as im concerned, that hellhound is something methaforical: it represents a phat no good piece of myself from which i try to get away constantly. In a positive sense, it makes me keep pushing myself higher and higher though it implies so much pain sometimes, one cannot give up questioning about terms and ideas too far from being useful and practical for life. This is consequently a clear burden one has to carry, but i guess everybody carries his owns so no way getting stuck!!
enough for today!